Shinmeizan Journal - November 2016

3 November – Mr Hara Eryo, Head of the Cho-en Buddhist Temple (Nichiren School) of Kumamoto, visits Shinmeizan together with his family.

5 November  – Father Franco and Sister Maria visited the Seimeizan-Schweitzer Temple of Tamana to attend the anniversary memorial service in honour of Michiko Furukawa, Ven. Tairyu Furukawa’s wife.

10-11 November – Sister Maria participated in the meeting of the Subcommittee for interreligious dialogue of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan, which was held in Tokyo.

19 November – A group of followers of Byakko Shinko Kai (one of Japan’s new-new religions) coming from various parts of the Country visited Shinmeizan.

22-23 November – Father Rocco was invited to speak at the international conference on 'The Life and Thought of Louis Massignon within a Wider Ecumenical and Dialogical Perspective' organized by the Heythrop Centre for Interreligious Dialogue and the Heythrop Centre for Eastern Christianity, held at Heythrop College, University of London. The title of is paper was ‘Louis Massignon and the Question of Judaism and Islam in the Theological and Ecclesiological Thought of Benedict XVI.’ 

28 November – 19 young Buddhist monks of the “National Association of Young Buddhists” come to Shinmeizan for a study session on interreligious dialogue.